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Privacy policy

Dear Sir or Madam,


Please be advised that, in order to protect your personal data at the highest level and taking care of their security, we have jointly developed a personal data protection project at CIMC Trailer Poland Sp. z o. o. entered into the National Court Register kept by the District Court Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, VIII Division of the National Court Register number 0000555488, where the Company belongs to the international CIMC group, associating several companies in Europe and Asia.

And we act to protect your personal data as the Administrator.

We assure you that the actions taken by the Administrator in order to effectively and fully protect the personal data entrusted to us are necessary, in accordance with the provisions of national and EU law and adequate to the needs of you and ours. Below we present documents for download that will introduce you to the subject of personal data protection or facilitate contact with us in the field of protection or changes to your data processed by us.


I Information clauses: who manages your data, for what purpose, for how long and what are your rights related to it. If you have any questions as to the content of the clauses or their application, please contact us at the following address:


1.information clause RODO_rekrutacja_ml_20052020.docx

Used in the recruitment process

2.information clause RODO_pracownica_zlecenikujecy_ml_20052020.docx

Applied to employees, contractors, service providers and other persons providing services to the Company.

3.information clause_RODO_usługbiorcy_ml_20052020.docx


Applied to contractors, service users, clients, tenants, lessees and others, people who send us an inquiry, who are not included in other information clauses.

4.information clause_RODO_collision and accident_ml_20052020.docx


Applied to people who were the perpetrators of a collision / accident involving the vehicle or the Administrator's employee, users and owners of cars participating in the collision, or witnesses to the event.


Used for people whose data was acquired in a different way by the Administrator or who are in possession of it, regardless of the form of purchase.


II. Documents for the implementation of rights. Information on the obligations and rights of persons whose data is processed and information on the protection of your personal data.

A policy_ml_20052020.docx


A collection of the most important information on the acquisition, processing and protection of personal data by the Administrator.

2. exercising the rights of data subjects_ml_20052020.docx

Here you will receive all the necessary information regarding the possibility of submitting your comments, orders, reservations and inquiries regarding your personal data administered by us, along with the notification instructions.

3. application to the administrator_personal data_ml_20052020.docx


A model document used to implement your rights to report a change of personal data, request for their correction, deletion, withdrawal of consent and other actions that you may order.

III. Agreement of standard contractual clauses with companies based in third countries



- China, Great Britain, Russia, Belarus


These are contracts concluded by the Administrator with companies whose seat / branch with which we cooperate is based in a third country, which is considered not to meet (or there is no information whether it meets) data processing security standards as in the GDPR. For this reason, the Administrator, in order to guarantee the rights of persons whose data is processed, concluded the above agreements regulating the rights and obligations of the entity transferring and acquiring data in the process of implementing the company's tasks. It also indicates what data is obtained, to what extent and what they relate to. These contracts give rise to claims of persons whose data is transferred to a third country, to control the correctness of data processing, and are a guarantee that your data is properly protected regardless of the place where it is made available.

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